Mobilizing Indigenous Community-led STBBI Research to Increase Impact and Advance New Knowledge
CIHR-funded, we are currently ‘mobilizing STBBI research’ through a project focused on a collective inventory of CAAN’s projects, products, and knowledge translation contributions. We are considering the collection as a single data set for analysis to distill the major themes across the various nuanced topics and issues within the scope of our work to date. Our analysis is highlighting that poor social determinants of health in Indigenous communities remain as prevalent, and our recommendations are still as relevant as they were over a decade ago.
A revision of our data analysis plan included an informal rapid literature review of grey and peer-reviewed resources by leading First Nations, Inuit, and Métis researchers to gather guidance on creating and advancing Indigenous data collection, stewardship, and governance processes across Canada. In alignment with CAAN’s mandate, vision, and positioning as a national Indigenous HIV/STBBI research organization, we are responsible for refining and articulating our research and administrative infrastructure.